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Redhead Escorts

Welcome to our gallery of red haired stunners. Here you will find all our ladies who have a mane of beautiful auburn hair. These ladies are proud of their fiery red locks and understand their charismatic and sexual appeal on gentlemen and ladies of course.

There are several characteristics and personality traits that have become associated with being a red head, some you may know, others you may not. For example, we have all heard about red heads being quite feisty and fiery. Red heads themselves say it is due to their sensitive natures. They say they can identify when they are being challenged and can be quick to react; sometimes known as being hot headed and explosive. Some guys would find that incredibly sexy but at Candy Shop, we don't take much notice of stereotypes. We look upon on ladies as individuals in their own right, with their own personalities and characteristics but we wouldn't describe our gorgeous red heads as hot headed, they are just 'hot', full stop. Did you know that red haired ladies are considered to be more passionate? Now surely this is the kind of lady you want to be spending time with. A lady who is ardent, passionate and full of zest.

Book a Red Haired Escort Today!

Our lovely red heads really stand out in a crowd, perhaps it's their reflective aura or dynamic personalities but they definitely get noticed wherever they go. You will have heard and read many times that 'blondes are more fun' and 'gentlemen prefer blondes' and brunettes are thought to be more desirable and independent but there are many guys who will always choose a red haired lady over blondes and brunettes. Bruce Springsteen once said, “Well, brunettes are fine, man, and blondes are fun, but when it comes to getting a dirty job done, I’ll take a redheaded woman.” What a great quote, we can only wonder and smile about what our Brucey means by that and I don't know about you but if there was any motivation to spend some time with one of our gorgeous red heads, it's right there in that quote. So, we encourage you to have a browse through our gallery of sexy red heads, look at their profiles and read their reviews. 

If you still need some help in choosing the perfect red head for you then you can always call our reception team on 0161 426 0466 who would be delighted to help you.